Friday, November 2, 2007

Apple Cinamon Oatmeal

I am an avid Oprah watcher, and I know that most people have time to eat breakfast but don't. Oprah says breakfast kick starts your day and increases your metabolism, so you can start burning calories early in the day. Since I am pregnant, I am really trying to watch my weight, or at least what I eat.
I also love apples and cinnamon and there is just something about oatmeal on a cold day.
So this morning as I was cookin apples and I thought of this awesome dish.

1 cup oatmeal (preferrably the fast cook kind)
1 Fiji apple cubed (try and make them the same size so they all take the same time to cook)
1 Tbsp brown sugar
1/2 tbsp butter
1 tsp cinnamon

Cook Oatmeal as per directions. Also, if it says to add milk, try using plain organic soy milk. It really makes a world of difference. It is better for you and has a great taste.

To cook the apples. Mix apples, cinnamon and brown sugar in a bowl with hands. Add butter to a saucepan on medium-low heat. Stir until the brown sugar starts to form a syrup, about 10 mintues.

Remove apples from heat and stir in oatmeal or cream of wheat. This is a delicious breakfast that anyone can make to head out the door and start their day with a bang!!